tirsdag 26. november 2013

Editorial illustration: JFK

At school today we got a task: make an editorial illustration of an current event. I chose the anniversary of Kennedy's assassination, and the conspiracy theories behind the killing of JFK.

Visual brainstorm. It's a fast drawing of Lee Harvey Oswald and Kennedy as a jumping jack/puppet. Oswald has the upper hand, but who controls him?! Tatata....! (I think he
looks more like one of the dudes in A1, or Malcolm in the middle...*giggle*)

Oswald is in pain, and Kennedy has become a glorified Raphael-angel.
"Faen" is the norwegian version of the f-word, or "shit"...I mean the s-word!

Everyone is threatening each other, but who is standing behind Oswald?

Kennedy's face- practice. It's hard to make people look like themselves, 
when you can't draw them in a realistic way. 

Sketch of Kennedy more like a doll. Maybe that is working better? Looks better, that for sure.

The result, after a day's work. I really like JFK's lazy hand (and pee).

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